This text file is a help file for visually impaired users. It explains the use of the adding and editing appointments window. The Add Edit Appointments window is the main editing window for Pam. The date and time default to the current date and the time that was selected on the main window appointment list. You can change either of these in the main window. Time segments are controlled by the Time Interval variable that is set on the configuration window. As an editing field is entered, Pam will tell you what you may enter at that time. You can move between fields by pressing the Tab key. If you highlight the data in a field and press control plus C, the text is loaded to the clipboard, then if you press shift + pause, Pam will read the text out loud. This applies to any editing field in any other window as well. In the name field, you would normally enter the name of the person with whom you have an appointment or the name of the group you are meeting, but if you want pam to speak the daily notes at a particular time of the day, enter "Note" in the name field and press Alt plus S . If you want PAM to launch another application at a pre-set time, select the desired time slot and enter "RUN:filename" in the name field. If you want PAM to read a text file at a pre-determined time, enter "READ:filename" in the name field at the correct time slot. None of the fields are saved until you press Alt plus S . To delete an appointment, simply blank out the name field and press Alt plus S . The Alarm section is a little different. It doesn't matter if a particular appointment is active, but you would normally use this feature to manage a particular appointment by having pam make a verbal announcement at a preset time interval. You may select a time of 20 minutes and then put in a message that sounds like Pam's regular appointment alarm message, such as "Remember, you have an appointment in 15 minutes". Then as the person or persons arrive for the appointment you can click on the "From Now" button, and 20 minutes later Pam will make the announcement, which will be heard by all people present. You could also use this feature to remind yourself about a point you want to raise at the meeting. The message might be "Remember to ask John about the new widgets he is selling.". This alarm is set from the time you press Alt plus N, and it doesn't matter if an active appointment is displayed, and you don't need to click on the Save button to activate this alarm. You can have some fun with Pam using the time's up message, by inserting pauses in the message using multiple commas separated by spaces. You could then say something during the pauses and it will appear that you are conversing with Pam. The Report button causes Pam to print out a report showing all appointments for the month shown in the date field.